MassHealth: The Basics – Facts and Trends (October 2023)

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This UPDATED (October 2023) edition of the MassHealth: The Basics chart pack provides new data on MassHealth enrollment and spending from the most recent state fiscal years available. The chart pack features a high-level overview of the delivery systems that serve MassHealth members. It also highlights MassHealth’s latest reform efforts, which include initiatives to advance health equity and to improve timely access to behavioral health care.

The chart pack provides comprehensive yet accessible data and explanations of program updates to help policymakers, administrators, advocates, and academics better understand the complex MassHealth program. It is made available in PDF and PowerPoint formats to facilitate its use in presentations.


The MassHealth Demonstration Extension 2022–2027: Building on Success, Focusing on Equity

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Massachusetts administers much of MassHealth through an 1115 Demonstration waiver, approved by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), which it has extended several times since it was originally approved in 1995. On September 28, 2022, CMS approved Massachusetts’ request for a five-year extension of its Demonstration, which is in effect from October 1, 2022 through December 31, 2027. While the latest approved Demonstration largely aims to continue and improve upon the programs and initiatives that were part of the previous Demonstration, an area of specific focus within this extension is advancing health equity within the MassHealth program. As part of this, MassHealth seeks to promote health equity by both building on current program elements and introducing new strategies such as investing in certain populations that experience persistent health disparities and creating incentives for ACOs and hospitals to measure and reduce health disparities.

This report and accompanying infographic describe the approved MassHealth Demonstration extension, what it means for MassHealth coverage moving forward, and implications for members, providers, and Massachusetts.


The Time is Now: The $5.9 Billion Case for Massachusetts Health Equity Reform

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Racial and ethnic disparities in health care access, quality, and outcomes have been well documented in Massachusetts and across the country. Solutions for reducing inequities in health require investments of time and resources for which there will always be competing priorities. In understanding the value of these investments, it is critical to recognize that in addition to the human toll, they represent a significant economic burden to individuals and families, health care providers, employers, public and private sector payers, and the overall Massachusetts economy. This study, commissioned by the Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts Foundation in collaboration with the Health Equity Compact, aims to quantify that economic burden.


Problem Management Plus: An Evidence-Based Approach to Expanding Access to Community-Based Mental Health Supports

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Problem Management Plus (PM+) is a proven, scalable, and cost-effective low-intensity mental health intervention that can be delivered by trained non-clinical workers for people who are experiencing common mental health conditions, such as anxiety or depression, or stressful life problems. PM+ fills a gap in the behavioral health services system by providing early intervention and potential prevention of more acute behavioral health service needs. As a model that relies on building the capacity and diversity of the behavioral health workforce, it holds promise for enhancing access to community-based mental health supports.

This issue brief is designed to define and describe the PM+ intervention and its origins and identify preliminary considerations for implementing it in the United States. Together with the Foundation’s Advancing Community-Driven Mental Health (ACDMH) grant program, this report advances the Foundation’s strategy to test and disseminate models of care that increase access to behavioral health services and expand capacity of the behavioral health workforce. Through ACDMH, the Foundation is providing support to community-based organizations to adapt and implement the PM+ intervention with the aim of expanding access to culturally appropriate low-intensity mental health supports among racially, economically, culturally, and socially marginalized communities.


Closing the Coverage Gaps: Reducing Health Insurance Disparities in Massachusetts

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Massachusetts has been exemplary in developing health insurance coverage policies to cover its residents. By 2019, the state’s uninsurance rate was 3.0 percent, the lowest rate in the nation, representing about 204,000 uninsured residents. While the state’s overall uninsured rate at a given point in time is low, more than twice as many people - 503,000, or 7.3 percent of the population - experienced a gap in coverage over the previous twelve months. And importantly, not all groups benefit equally. People who are Black or Hispanic, or who have lower incomes, experience significantly higher rates of uninsurance than the state population overall. As a result, these groups are more likely to face access barriers and financial insecurity associated with being uninsured.

The purpose of this report is to begin charting a course toward closing the coverage gaps in Massachusetts, with a particular focus on creating a more racially and ethnically equitable system of coverage. The report and accompanying infographics describe the people in Massachusetts without health insurance and the barriers to coverage they face, including affordability, administrative complexity, and immigration, language, and cultural barriers. It then proposes a menu of policy options that address the specific circumstances in Massachusetts. The proposed options are meant to inform a statewide conversation about the best approaches to closing the remaining coverage gaps in Massachusetts and removing structural barriers that result in racial and ethnic disparities in health insurance coverage.

Behind the Data: Voices of the Uninsured
The Foundation recently released a 3-minute video featuring four Massachusetts residents who describe their experiences without health insurance. The video is also available with English subtitles and Spanish subtitles (con subtitulos en Español).

Click here to view


Reducing Coverage Loss: A 2023 Update on the End of the Federal Continuous Coverage Requirement in MassHealth

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This issue brief aims to educate stakeholders and policymakers about an upcoming federal policy change that could impact coverage for many MassHealth members. Like all states, Massachusetts received enhanced federal Medicaid funding under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA), the first major federal stimulus package passed by Congress in response to the COVID-19 crisis in 2020. As a condition of receiving these funds, Massachusetts was required to maintain continuous coverage in MassHealth during the federal COVID-19 public health emergency. In December 2022, Congress passed the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023 which established March 31, 2023 as the end date of the continuous coverage requirement.

Since the federal continuous coverage requirement will expire at the end of March, MassHealth is preparing to redetermine eligibility for all members starting April 1, 2023. As MassHealth begins to redetermine eligibility for a considerable volume of members, there is a risk that some individuals who remain eligible for coverage could become uninsured. This issue brief includes a summary of MassHealth’s eligibility and enrollment approach for when it resumes normal eligibility and redetermination processes and describes strategies that MassHealth and other stakeholders are taking to ensure that people who remain eligible stay covered.


MassHealth Matters to Massachusetts – Infographic

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MassHealth provides health care services to over 2 million Massachusetts residents. This infographic highlights key facts about MassHealth, including the many ways in which the program contributes to the Massachusetts economy and promotes health care coverage and access for residents in the state.


A Focus on Health Care: Five Key Priorities for the Next Administration

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Massachusetts’ historical achievements in bold and innovative health care policy have positioned the state as a national leader in transforming health care coverage, access, affordability, and quality. Yet despite decades of progress, the COVID-19 pandemic made it impossible to ignore that not all Massachusetts residents are able to access, afford, or experience health care equally.

In early 2022, anticipating the election of a new governor and slate of legislative leaders, the Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts Foundation in partnership with Manatt Health solicited perspectives on health reform priorities from a broad and diverse group of health care stakeholders, including consumer, provider, health plan, business, and labor representatives. This report synthesizes the findings from these stakeholder interviews, describing five health care priorities for the new governor and legislative leaders to immediately pursue: 1) addressing systemic racism and inequities in health; 2) ensuring consumer affordability of health care; 3) confronting the mental health crisis for children and youth; 4) improving the affordability of and access to long-term services and supports (LTSS); and 5) solving severe health care workforce shortages, particularly in the paraprofessional LTSS and behavioral health workforce.

The report explores each theme in detail and identifies specific action steps incoming state leaders can take to address these challenges. An accompanying executive summary and infographic provide a high-level overview that can be used by a wide audience. 


MassHealth: The Basics – Facts and Trends (October 2022)

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This UPDATED (October 2022) edition of the MassHealth: The Basics chart pack provides new data on MassHealth enrollment and spending from the most recent state fiscal years available. The chart pack also features a high-level overview and status update on the state’s delivery system reform efforts, including a summary of the key elements of MassHealth’s latest 1115 demonstration waiver extension that was approved by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services on September 28, 2022.

The chart pack provides comprehensive yet accessible data points and program updates to help policymakers, administrators, advocates, and academics better understand the complex MassHealth program. It is made available in PDF and PowerPoint formats to facilitate its use in presentations.

MMPI recently hosted a webinar to review facts and data about MassHealth eligibility, costs, and recent reforms from the latest edition of MassHealth: The Basics. Click here to access a recording of this webinar and a copy of the webinar slides.


Creating a Robust, Diverse, and Resilient Behavioral Health Workforce in Massachusetts

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The behavioral health workforce in Massachusetts is in crisis. The COVID-19 pandemic has increased the prevalence of behavioral health issues and demand for services, exposing and aggravating the vulnerabilities of Massachusetts’ behavioral health workforce and delivery system. Health care, including behavioral health care, has been among the industries hardest hit by the “Great Resignation,” exacerbating workforce shortages that predated the pandemic. These dynamics fuel an urgent call to action for Massachusetts to grow and support a workforce that can meet the pressing demand for behavioral health care in the Commonwealth. Informed by a literature review, the development of an inventory of promising models nationwide, and interviews with local and national stakeholders and experts, this report outlines seven concrete recommendations to expand Massachusetts’ behavioral health workforce, increase its diversity, maximize its potential to meet the needs of all people in the Commonwealth, and strengthen its resilience.

The MassHealth Proposed Demonstration Extension 2022–2027: Building on Success, Focusing on Equity

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Massachusetts administers much of MassHealth through an 1115 Demonstration waiver, approved by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), which it has extended several times since it was originally approved in 1995. In December 2021, Massachusetts submitted a request to CMS to extend its Demonstration for another five years. While this request largely aims to continue and improve upon the programs and initiatives that are a part of the current Demonstration, an area of specific focus within the proposed extension centers around advancing health equity within the MassHealth program. As part of this request, MassHealth seeks to promote health equity by both building on current program elements and introducing new strategies such as investing in certain populations that experience persistent health inequities and creating incentives for ACOs and hospitals to measure and reduce health inequities.

This report describes the proposed MassHealth Demonstration extension, what it means for MassHealth coverage moving forward, and implications for members, providers, and other stakeholders.


UPDATED! Promoting Access to Care and Coverage During a Public Health Crisis: COVID-19–Related Changes Affecting MassHealth, Health Connector, and Health Safety Net

Massachusetts, with support from the federal government, has implemented several policy and programmatic changes intended to promote continued access to health care services and health insurance coverage during the COVID-19 public health emergency. This table serves as a centralized resource that documents and describes the policy, regulatory, and administrative actions pertaining to MassHealth, Health Connector programs, and the Health Safety Net. This resource is intended to be used by advocates, enrollment assisters, and other stakeholders to assist consumers in identifying options to protect their access to coverage and health care services. Since policies and programs are changing frequently in the current environment, this resource will be regularly updated.

Stay up to date on changes to this resource by signing up for our email list.

Structural Racism and Racial Inequities in Health: Summary of Focus Group Key Themes and Findings

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The Foundation has committed to base its work in the structural racism and racial inequities in health focus area on issues raised by the communities and community members experiencing racism and health inequities. To that end, the Foundation partnered with established community-based organizations across the state to convene focus groups featuring the perspectives of community members on how racism impacts health and access to health care services. A total of seven focus groups, organized geographically, were held virtually. At each focus group, a total of eight to ten individuals participated, representing three to four organizations in each region. Focus group participants were selected based on the alignment of their organization’s work with the Foundation’s mission and focus areas.

The key themes that emerged related to two forms of racism: (1) racial bias in clinical care, which plays a key role in poor health outcomes for individuals and communities of color and (2) the policies and practices of health care systems and the legal and regulatory climate. The report summarizes those themes and presents recommendations, which include guidance for the types of programs and services that need support in communities, direction for the Foundation’s policy work, and considerations for grantmaking programs and processes.

The End of the Federal Continuous Coverage Requirement in MassHealth: Key Strategies for Reducing Coverage Loss

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An updated version of this issue brief is now available here.

This issue brief aims to educate stakeholders and policymakers about an upcoming federal policy change that could impact coverage for many MassHealth members.  Like all states, Massachusetts received enhanced federal Medicaid funding under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA), the first major federal stimulus package passed by Congress in response to the COVID-19 crisis in 2020. As a condition of receiving these funds, Massachusetts is required to maintain continuous coverage in MassHealth during the federal COVID-19 public health emergency. When the continuous coverage requirement expires at the end of the month in which the public health emergency ends – which is currently slated for July 14, 2022 – MassHealth will resume its standard renewal, or “redetermination,” processes. As MassHealth begins to redetermine eligibility for a considerable volume of its members, there is a high risk that some individu­als who remain eligible will experience a loss in coverage. This brief includes a summary of MassHealth’s eligibility and enrollment approach for when it resumes normal eligibility and redetermination processes and describes additional strategies that MassHealth and other stakeholders can take to ensure that people who remain eligible stay covered.


Health Care in the ARPA Bill: Selected Highlights from Chapter 102 of the Acts of 2021

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In December 2021, Governor Baker signed Chapter 102 of the Acts of 2021 into law. This legislation, often referred to as the “ARPA bill,” appropriates close to $4 billion, including $2.55 billion in funding directly from the federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). ARPA was passed in March 2021 to provide money to states to start recovering from the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Chapter 102 invests money from ARPA in many areas, including housing, infrastructure, education, and economic development. Health services received $950 million in the law, with funding for physical health, behavioral health, long-term care services, and public health initiatives. This issue brief summarizes the key components of Chapter 102 that will affect health and health care in Massachusetts.