Grant Partners

Caring Health Center

Year: 2021

Caring Health Center (CHC) works to increase insurance enrollment and access to benefits among uninsured and underinsured residents of the Springfield area, including immigrants, refugees, non-English speaking individuals, and persons of color. CHC will increase health insurance enrollment through outreach, education, eligibility screening, plan selection, and assistance in submitting documentation to obtain and maintain coverage. During the grant year, it will increase individual capacity to navigate changes in coverage through, culturally- and linguistically responsive, one-on-one and group education, advocacy, and counseling. CHC will collaborate with refugee resettlement agencies, cultural organizations serving immigrant communities, schools, employment centers, providers, and social service agencies to increase access to health insurance. It will also continue to provide SNAP enrollment assistance.

Lowell Community Health Center

Year: 2021

Lowell Community Health Center (LCHC) provides culturally relevant health insurance enrollment assistance for people applying for new health insurance coverage and those who seek to reestablishing coverage. It also works with patients and clients to select primary care physicians and schedule visits. During the grant year, LCHC will conduct outreach and education at community partner sites, including those that serve immigrants, people experiencing unemployment, reentry populations, as well as faith and transitional living communities. LCHC will also assist clients and patients with online SNAP applications and will refer to community health workers for further assistance as needed.

Community Action Committee of Cape Cod & Islands

Year: 2021

The Community Action Committee of Cape Cod & Islands (CACCI) will assist individuals and families who are uninsured to apply, select, and enroll in Health Connector and MassHealth plans. CACCI provides individualized educational information so consumers may better understand notices, clarify next steps, and understand redetermination and renewal processes. During the grant year, it will coordinate with community organizations, including those on the Cape and Nantucket, to increase access to health insurance across the region. It also provides consumers with access to its SNAP Outreach Program staff.

The Dimock Center

Year: 2021

The Dimock Center will continue to support its community by assisting with health insurance enrollment and renewals, especially focusing on people who may have never enrolled in coverage or who experienced gaps and lapses in coverage due to trauma, homelessness, and substance use disorder. During the grant year, it will create new health insurance literacy materials in languages other than English and will work to ensure that eligible clients and patients are referred to its resource specialists for enrollment support for SNAP.

East Boston Neighborhood Health Center

Year: 2021
East Boston

East Boston Neighborhood Health Center (EBNHC) provides culturally and linguistically appropriate health insurance enrollment assistance for patients and anyone in the region in need of assistance. EBNHC provides information to ensure that clients understand how to keep and navigate health insurance. To further its capacity, EBNHC has cross trained its call center staff to assist with more common health insurance enrollment needs. It regularly refers clients who are eligible and interested in applying for SNAP benefits to its care coordination team for assistance.